Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to redirect to the login/index page after the session timeout in JSP

Hi Guys, as the title do you manage your session timeout effectively and redirecting the user to the login page back in a JSP..?
I have seen many examples, work-a-rounds over the Google and I thought of sharing a good technique where you can achieve the goal in a few steps !

Step 1

specify the session timeout interval (in minutes) in the web.xml as follows:


 Step 2

Next step is to call the session timeout and the URL or the page that you need to redirect once the timeout occurred in your JSP file. 
int timeout = session.getMaxInactiveInterval();
response.setHeader("Refresh", timeout + "; URL=index.jsperr=2");
In the above example, when the timeout happens, I am redirecting to the "index.jsp" file with the error code as "2" which I handled inside the application. Therefore you can specify your URL instead of that.
Likewise, you can apply the same code segment every where that you need to specify a session timeout functionality in your application.

That's all folks. Hope it will help you get an idea on "how to handle session timeout and redirect to the login/index page". 

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